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PocketD v1.66 (D.EXE) Directory Listing & File Management Program
PocketD (TM) Copyright Jeff Rollason, PocketWare (TM) 1990-1992
(See end of this file for the files that should accompany PocketD.)
"(PocketD) is smaller than many other file utilities, but
jam-packed with features...Despite the amount of space we have
spent on PocketD, we have only scratched the surface."
... PsL News February 1992, reviewed as one of the 4 best new
programs of the month (from 200 new and updated programs).
PocketD is marketed as "Try-before-buy". You may freely experiment with
the software for 30 days to find out whether it is right for you. If it
isn't, then you will probably not use it. If you do continue then you
will notice that 3% of the time PocketD displays a two line reminder
informing you that it is not free software.
You may find this reminder a nuisance. If you do, then by implication
you must already be a regular user of the software, and should
therefore register!
PocketD is a small flexible colour directory listing program and
exceptionally powerful DOS utility. Its highly generalised design and
range of built-in features allows it to be used for almost any purpose,
including for example: Virus checking, disk cataloging, disk backup
reminder, reversing unintended copies, DOS menu system, programmer's
MAKE system and much, much more... PocketD is the one program most
likely to fulfil all your file management needs and probably the
nearest you will get to the DOS user's equivalent of the Swiss Army
PocketD is 25k in size and supports over 120 options, including the
following key features (expanded and detailed in the file FEATURE.CMP):
. Full ON-LINE HELP giving direct access to help on each option
. Optimised file COPYing to multiple disks
. Safe file/dir COPY/MOVE/RENAME selected by any criteria
. Fast MOVE by copying directory entry, rather than COPY+DELETE
. SEARCH for files across multiple drives and subdirs
. Search or view contents of ZIP,ZOO,LZH,ARC,PAK,PKA & ARJ archives
. Advanced wildcard system, allowing multiple filespecs such as
"*TMP*F*" or "*=D*" (match any name containing a digit 0-9) etc..
. Highly programmable execution and display TEMPLATE(s), providing a
viable alternative to a command-line programming language,
allowing the creation of powerful interactive utilities and the
emulation of programs such as WHICH, NCD & MAKE
. Detection of, and testing for, PKLITE, DIET and LZEXE compression
. TOUCH and full ATTRIB for modifying file and dir dates/attributes
. On-line BROWSE of file lists for VIEWING, DELETION, RUNNING etc..
. A user-defined colour MENU system for use in BAT files
. Analysis of ENVIRONMENT variables (e.g. PATH LIB, INCLUDE etc..)
. STRING SEARCH in binary or text files for presence or absense of
literal or "typed" strings (e.g. alphabetic, non-numeric etc..)
. Automatic BEST-FIT directory listing format option
. RECURSED SUMMARY of subdir contents within directory listing
. BAR-CHART display of relative file/subdir sizes
. Display of EXECUTION SIZE of programs
. SORT by 6 keys (e.g. type, size, date) and by row or column.
. Full COLOUR options, allowing assignment for specified filespecs
. Automatic support for 80x43, 132x60 and any other screen sizes
. 37 user-defined parameters
PocketD is good for both the occasional and the advanced user. It
provides the usual day-to-day file operations, such as file copying, in
a safe and easy-to-use format. It also bends over backwards to
accommodate each user's particular tastes by offering vast numbers of
tailoring options.
PocketD's multiple features can be combined to provide a powerful and
highly generalised DOS tool. The following gives a couple of examples:
D /WTc A:
This compact example will search the whole disk (W) for files modified
today (T) and copy them (c) to A:. This also gives the user the
opportunity to view each file before copying it. Extra conditions can
also be added, e.g.
D /WTc A: /E{20k!'Microsoft'
which will only include executable files (E) less than or equal to 20
kilobytes (20k) and excluding those that contain the string 'Microsoft'
("!" specifies "NOT").
D /WR .GIF [GIFVIEW $w] [COPY $w A:]
This example searches the whole disk for graphic *.GIF files. The user
can then browse these and optionally choose to view particular files
using the program GIFVIEW and/or optionally copy them to drive A:. The
user can process any file in any order and any number of times.
Q1. Why use a program like PocketD when there are so many attractive
alternatives, such as PCTOOLS or NORTON Commander which provide
menu-driven interfaces to file management?
A1. The reason is that these menu-oriented packages provide very
good point-and-shoot interfaces to file VIEW, COPY, MOVE and
DELETE, but do not allow the user to construct automated file
management procedures, such as:
"Take all the ZIP files on drive A: and unpack each
into its own subdirectory on drive C:"
This is not possible with these programs without repetitive
keywork. Such operations require the use of packages such as
MKS Shell or Command Plus and custom written routines to
automate such operations.
PocketD can perform operations of this type conveniently and
efficiently from a single command line, allowing the user to
preview the operation before running it. e.g. (from drive C:)
D A:.ZIP [MD $n//PKUNZIP $w $n\]? Preview and..
D A:.ZIP [MD $n//PKUNZIP $w $n\]R Run
Q2. Why should I use PocketD when there are other existing rivals?
A2. The only obvious rival is the much larger DX program by
Econo-soft. DX has specialist features that PocketD does not
support, such as "U.S. Defence standard" file deletion, file
compare and the ability to touch or rename files inside
Despite its smaller size, PocketD still has more options,
including advanced string searching inside files, a built-in
file viewer and full on-line help, not supported by DX. It also
has a much more powerful template facility and much more
flexible directory display (See the file "FEATURE.CMP").
Q3. Why use PocketD when I do not require complex file management?
A3. PocketD is an attractive full-colour directory listing program
with many handy features such as automatic display format
selection, which chooses a listing format for you. It also has
a much more agreeable and powerful COPY facility than DOS's
COPY, providing the user protection against common errors, and
giving informative feedback about the copy/move operation being
PocketD makes day-to-day operations more pleasant and less
error-prone. e.g. Backing up of the day's files to disk. It
allows the user to discard many utilities that are already
used. PocketD saves disk space and provides all these
facilities with a single common range of command options.
README.D This file
D.EXE The program PocketD (26k) help files below
are optional.
D.HLP The one page help ( 2k) view by "D /?"
D.MAN On-line option manual (55k) view by "D /?x"
D.GDE On-line User Guide (39k) view by "D /??"
D.DOC On-line General Doc (23k) view "D /?doc"
INSTALL.BAT An installation program for PocketD.
DEMO.BAT A demonstration and tutorial for PocketD.
*.BAT Various examples of how PocketD can be used to
emulate other utilities such as NCD, WHICH and
WHEREIS etc.. (See below)
EPSON2A.COM A program to convert the file FEATURE.CMP
containing IBM graphic codes to ordinary text,
allowing printing to printers other than
IBM/Proprinter/BJ10E. This program can also be
used to strip out Epson codes from other files.
CHANGES.D Details the changes between different versions
of PocketD.
FEATURE.CMP This comprehensively compares PocketD's
features with other programs such as PCOPY, DX,
RIR etc.. This file can be viewed by typing: D
/q FEATURE.CMP followed by "L" (list).
REGISTER.DOC This provides details of how to register.
VENDOR.DOC Application for Shareware vendors.
All of the BAT files below will give "usage" help if used with the
single parameter "/?". e.g.
Most can accept additional options. e.g.
FD /T will select the 1st subdirectory found that
was created today (see below).
"f1 f2 .." below indicates multiple filespecs as parameters.
The BAT files provided include:
PsL_UNPK d1 d2 This will unpack a PsL disk of
self-unpacking programs. See D /?? for
ATTRIB flags f1 f2.. A full ATTRIB command allowing setting and
clearing of all flags.
DELBUT f1 f2 .. Delete all but filespecs f1 f2 ..
DELDIR f1 Recursively delete specified subdirectory.
FD f1 f2 .. Search for and select a subdirectory
matching f1 (or f2 etc..).
TOUCH f1 f2.. Touch the matching files to give the
current date and time.
VDEL f1 f2 .. Delete all matching files, prompting before
WHEREIS f1 f2 .. Search for files/dirs matching filespecs
WHICH f1 Will show from which subdirectory DOS would
run the program "f1" (See D /??).